Title: Embracing the Wild: A Journey Through “Women Who Run with the Wolves”

In a world where societal expectations often dictate how women should behave, dress, and think, the call to reconnect with our authentic selves rings louder than ever. “Women Who Run with the Wolves” by Jungian analyst and storyteller Clarissa Pinkola Estés is a captivating exploration of feminine power, wisdom, and liberation through the lens of folklore, myth, and psychology.

Estés masterfully weaves together ancient tales and modern insights to guide readers on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Drawing from archetypal stories like “Bluebeard,” “La Loba,” and “The Ugly Duckling,” she delves deep into the collective unconscious, illuminating the struggles, fears, and triumphs inherent in the feminine psyche.

At the heart of the book lies the concept of the Wild Woman archetype—a symbol of untamed intuition, instinct, and authenticity. Estés encourages women to embrace their inner wildness, to reclaim their power, and to trust their instincts in a world that often seeks to tame and suppress their true nature.

As I journeyed through the pages of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” I felt a stirring within me, a reawakening of a long-forgotten aspect of myself that yearned to break free from the chains of societal expectations and embrace the wild, untamed essence that is my birthright as a woman. Estés’ words resonated with me on a profound level, urging me to listen to the whispers of my soul and to embrace my own unique journey of self-discovery.

But “Women Who Run with the Wolves” is more than just a book—it’s a call to action, a rallying cry for women everywhere to reclaim their voices, their bodies, and their spirits in a celebration of authenticity and strength. In a world that often diminishes the power and wisdom of the feminine, Estés’ work stands as a beacon of hope and liberation, inviting women to rediscover their intrinsic worth and power.

Through her captivating storytelling and profound insights, Estés reminds us of the resilience, creativity, and fierce determination of the feminine spirit. Her words echo across generations, offering guidance, solace, and empowerment to all who seek to reclaim their wild, untamed essence.

In conclusion, “Women Who Run with the Wolves” is a masterpiece of feminine storytelling—a testament to the enduring power of myth and archetype, and a guidebook for women on the path to self-discovery and empowerment. It challenges women to embrace their wild, authentic selves with courage, resilience, and unapologetic joy, inspiring us to run with the wolves and reclaim our place in the world.

Best regards,

Iva 😉

Guarana, the Energy-Boosting Elixir: A Journey of Discovery

In the fast-paced world we live in, where energy drinks and supplements promise quick fixes and instant boosts, finding a natural and effective solution can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. For years, I struggled to find something that truly elevated my energy levels without the accompanying crash or jitters that often come with artificial stimulants. Countless products adorned the shelves, each claiming to be the answer to my fatigue, yet disappointment lingered with every failed attempt.

Amidst this whirlwind of disappointments and false promises, there emerged a constant – Guarana. A name that resonated with hope and possibility, Guarana stood out amidst the cacophony of flashy marketing and dubious claims. Known for its natural stimulant properties and revered by indigenous tribes in the Amazon for centuries, Guarana beckoned me with its whispered promises of sustained energy and mental clarity.

My journey with Guarana began tentatively, as I incorporated it into my daily routine with cautious optimism. Derived from the seeds of the Paullinia cupana plant, Guarana offered a caffeine boost unlike any other. What set Guarana apart was not just its energy-boosting abilities, but its slow-release mechanism that provided sustained vitality throughout the day. No longer was I subject to the rollercoaster of energy spikes and crashes; Guarana offered a steady stream of vigor that kept fatigue at bay.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Guarana became a staple in my daily regimen. Mornings greeted me with a renewed sense of vitality, as I sipped on Guarana-infused beverages that kickstarted my day on a high note. The fog of fatigue that had enveloped me for so long began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of alertness and focus. Simple tasks that once felt daunting now seemed manageable, thanks to the subtle yet potent effects of Guarana.

It wasn’t just the physical boost that Guarana provided; it was the mental clarity and sharpness that truly set it apart. In a world where mental acuity is prized above all else, Guarana acted as a secret weapon, enhancing my cognitive abilities and sharpening my focus. Tasks that required intense concentration became second nature, and creative pursuits flowed effortlessly as Guarana unlocked a reservoir of untapped potential within me.

But Guarana was more than just an energy booster – it was a companion in my quest for holistic well-being. Its antioxidant properties offered protection against oxidative stress, its anti-inflammatory benefits soothed my body after long days, and its mood-enhancing effects uplifted my spirits during challenging times. Guarana wasn’t just a supplement; it was a lifestyle choice, a testament to the power of nature in enhancing our physical and mental well-being.

As I reflect on my journey with Guarana, I am reminded of the profound impact a single natural remedy can have on our lives. In a world inundated with artificial stimulants and quick fixes, Guarana stands as a beacon of authenticity and efficacy. Its journey from the depths of the Amazon rainforest to my daily routine is a testament to the wisdom of ancient traditions and the enduring power of nature’s remedies.

So, to all those weary souls in search of a true energy elixir, look no further than Guarana. Let its natural vigor and sustained vitality guide you on a journey of discovery and renewal. Embrace the energy-boosting properties of Guarana, and let its whispers of endurance and vitality transform your life, just as it has transformed mine.



How Japan changed me?

Embarking on a journey to live in Japan, I never anticipated the profound ways it would shape my perspective and elevate my understanding of life. The essence of Japanese culture, intricately woven with traditions of excellence and unwavering passion, breathed new vitality into my existence. Immersing myself in the heartbeat of Japan, I was mesmerized by the meticulous dedication the Japanese pour into every aspect of their lives. Whether it was the art of tea ceremonies, the precision of ikebana floral arrangements, or the craftsmanship exhibited in everyday tasks, I witnessed a standard of excellence that transcended mere practice—it was a way of life.

The unwavering dedication to perfection exemplified by the Japanese people left an indelible mark on my soul. Witnessing their meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to mastering their craft, I was inspired to approach my own endeavors with a renewed vigor and precision. One of the most striking aspects of Japanese lifestyle is their profound connection with nature. Spending extensive time outdoors, whether it be strolling through serene gardens or hiking majestic trails, the Japanese embrace nature as an integral part of their existence. This harmonious relationship with the natural world not only rejuvenates the spirit but also fosters a deep sense of peace and interconnectedness with the environment.

Moreover, the culinary practices in Japan unveiled a whole new dimension of gastronomic delight. Contrary to the bustling restaurant culture prevalent in many parts of the world, the Japanese cherish the art of home-cooked meals and the tradition of communal dining. Through experiencing the meticulous preparation of meals infused with seasonal ingredients and heartfelt dedication, I discovered a profound appreciation for the simple yet profound act of sharing a meal with loved ones.

The beauty of Japan lies not only in its landscapes or architecture but in the essence of its people—their unwavering commitment to excellence, their profound respect for nature, and their dedication to preserving time-honored traditions.

As I reflect on my time in Japan, I am reminded of the invaluable lessons imparted to me by the Japanese way of life. The passion, precision, and reverence for nature ingrained in their culture have not only enriched my outlook but have also sparked a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

In a world often characterized by haste and superficiality, the enduring spirit of Japan serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact that passion, dedication, and connection with nature can have on our lives. Embracing these values, I carry forward the legacy of my time in Japan—a beacon of inspiration guiding me towards a more enriched, purposeful existence.

Beyond the surface allure of Japan’s aesthetics and cultural marvels lies a tapestry of daily habits and rituals that define the essence of Japanese living. Delving into the intricacies of Japanese lifestyle, I was captivated by the mindful practices and routines that permeate every aspect of their existence.

One of the most striking habits observed among the Japanese is their unwavering commitment to discipline and punctuality. Time is not merely a commodity but a revered entity, treated with utmost respect and precision. Whether it is the punctuality observed in public transportation or the promptness in professional and social engagements, the Japanese value punctuality as a manifestation of respect for others’ time and a reflection of personal integrity.

Furthermore, the art of mindfulness is deeply ingrained in the fabric of Japanese daily life. From the meticulous attention to detail in traditional crafts to the meditative grace of tea ceremonies, the Japanese embrace mindfulness as a guiding principle in their interactions with the world. Mindfulness extends beyond individual practices to collective endeavors, fostering a culture of present-moment awareness and intentionality in all pursuits.

The concept of “kaizen,” or continuous improvement, resonates deeply within the Japanese ethos. Rooted in the belief that small, incremental changes lead to substantial advancements, kaizen permeates all facets of Japanese society—from personal development to business practices. The pursuit of excellence is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing journey of refinement and growth, reflective of the Japanese commitment to continual self-improvement.

A cornerstone of Japanese lifestyle is the profound respect and reverence for nature embedded in daily practices. The changing seasons are not merely observed but celebrated through seasonal festivals and culinary traditions that honor the bounty of each time of year. Whether it is the contemplative beauty of cherry blossom viewing or the vibrant hues of autumn foliage appreciation, the Japanese find solace and inspiration in the cyclical rhythms of nature.

Another notable habit ingrained in Japanese culture is the emphasis on cleanliness and order. From impeccably clean streets to meticulously organized living spaces, the Japanese prioritize a harmonious balance between aesthetic beauty and functional efficiency. The practice of “osouji,” or deep cleaning at the end of the year, symbolizes a renewal of energy and a fresh start as the new year approaches.

The ritual of communal dining, whether it be through the traditional “izakaya” experience or the intimate setting of a home-cooked meal, underscores the significance of shared meals in fostering connections and strengthening bonds. The act of sharing food transcends mere sustenance, serving as a profound expression of hospitality, warmth, and camaraderie that binds individuals together.

As I reflect on the myriad habits and practices that define Japanese lifestyle, I am humbled by the depth of intentionality and mindfulness woven into the fabric of daily living. The harmonious synthesis of discipline, mindfulness, continuous improvement, reverence for nature, cleanliness, and communal spirit encapsulates the rich tapestry of Japanese culture—a tapestry that continues to inspire and shape my own journey of personal growth and self-discovery. In embracing these timeless habits and embodying the spirit of Japanese living, I find myself drawn closer to the transformative essence of a culture that cherishes tradition, values, and interconnectedness with the world around us.

As I ventured deeper into the cultural tapestry of Japan, beyond the bustling cityscapes and serene landscapes, I uncovered a world woven with intricate daily habits and rituals that define the essence of Japanese living. It’s in these nuanced practices that the true soul of Japan reveals itself—a harmonious blend of discipline, mindfulness, and reverence for tradition.

Punctuality, a cornerstone of Japanese culture, emerges as a testament to respect for time and commitment to integrity. The precision and efficiency found in everyday interactions, from public transportation to professional engagements, speak volumes about the value placed on punctuality as a form of mutual respect.

Mindfulness, another pillar of Japanese lifestyle, permeates all aspects of daily living. From the artful precision of traditional crafts to the meditative grace of tea ceremonies, mindfulness guides interactions with precision and intentionality, fostering a deep connection to the present moment.

The essence of “kaizen,” or continuous improvement, threads through the fabric of Japanese society, emphasizing the pursuit of excellence through small, incremental changes. This dedication to refinement and growth underscores a culture deeply rooted in the belief that progress is a journey rather than a destination.

Nature, revered and celebrated in equal measure, plays a central role in Japanese lifestyle. The changing seasons are not merely observed but honored through seasonal festivals and culinary traditions that pay homage to nature’s bounty. This deep connection to the natural world inspires a sense of unity and harmony with the environment.

Cleanliness and order, upheld as virtues in Japanese culture, manifest in impeccably kept spaces and organized surroundings. The ritual of “osouji,” a deep cleaning tradition at the end of the year, symbolizes renewal and fresh beginnings—a cleansing of both physical spaces and spiritual energy. Communal dining, a cherished ritual in Japanese society, fosters connections and strengthens bonds through shared meals. Whether in a lively izakaya or a cozy home setting, the act of dining together transcends mere nourishment, becoming a profound expression of hospitality and camaraderie.

Reflecting on these timeless habits and practices, I am struck by the beauty and depth of Japanese lifestyle—a harmonious blend of tradition, mindfulness, and interconnectedness. In embracing these cultural nuances, I find myself drawn closer to a transformative way of living that values intentionality, continuous growth, and profound connections with the world around us.

As I continue to unravel the enchanting tapestry of Japanese lifestyle, I am inspired by the enduring wisdom and timeless practices that shape not only a culture but also a way of being—an invitation to embrace discipline, mindfulness, and reverence in our own journeys of self-discovery and personal growth.

In the heart of Japanese philosophy lies a concept as profound as it is captivating—Ikigai. Translated simply as “reason for being,” Ikigai transcends mere existence to illuminate a path towards purpose, passion, and ultimate fulfillment. It is a guiding principle that intertwines the threads of joy, meaning, vocation, and mission, leading individuals towards a life that is not just lived but truly embraced.

At the core of Ikigai lies the pursuit of passion—the spark that ignites the soul and drives one towards deeper exploration and self-discovery. It is in pursuing our passions that we unearth a sense of purpose that transcends the mundanity of everyday life, propelling us towards a higher calling that resonates with our innermost desires.

Vocation, another cornerstone of Ikigai, speaks to the intersection of what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for. It is in this delicate balance of skills, interests, values, and market demand that we find our true calling—a vocation that not only sustains us financially but also nourishes our spirit and contributes meaningfully to the world around us.

Finding Ikigai also involves a deep sense of mission—a calling to make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy. It is in aligning our personal passions and talents with the greater good that we discover a sense of fulfillment that transcends individual success, propelling us towards a life of significance and purpose.

Joy, the final piece of the Ikigai puzzle, embodies the simple pleasures and moments of bliss that bring lightness to our hearts and souls. It is in savoring these moments of happiness and contentment that we cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us, infusing our lives with a sense of boundless joy and fulfillment.

As we unravel the intricate layers of Ikigai, we are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection—a quest to unveil our truest selves and align our actions with our deepest values and aspirations. In embracing the principles of Ikigai, we are guided towards a life that is not only meaningful and purposeful but also joyous and fulfilling—a life lived in harmony with our innermost truths and passions.


Iva Čolakić

Why I was not writing for so long?

As I sit down to finally pen down my thoughts after a hiatus that lasted since 2018, I’m filled with a surge of nostalgia and excitement to share the whirlwind of experiences that have shaped my journey in the realms of lifestyle, beauty, and travel since then. In 2018, I found myself feeling lost, young, and unsure of my path in life. The desire to travel to a distant place burned within me, and the following year, I finally made that dream a reality by journeying to Japan. For three transformative months, I served as an au pair in Fuchu, Tokyo, an incredible and unforgettable experience that opened my eyes to a new world. 

During my time in Japan, I had the opportunity to explore six diverse cities, each offering a unique glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of japanese culture. The beauty of the landscapes, the warmth of the people, and the richness of the traditions left an indelible mark on my heart.

One of the most memorable aspects of my time in Japan was when my japanese family extended their hospitality beyond borders and took me on a journey to China. It was a gesture of kindness and generosity that touched me deeply, reminding me of the power of human connections and the beauty of shared experiences.

Reflecting on those months spent in Japan, I count myself incredibly fortunate to have had such a enriching opportunity and to have been embraced by a family that made me feel at home in a foreign land. It was a chapter of my life filled with growth, discovery, and gratitude, and I will forever cherish the memories of my time as an au pair in the Land of the Rising Sun.

In the bustling streets of Tokyo, amidst the blend of traditional and modern sights, I found a sense of belonging that transcended language barriers. The bustling energy of the city and the quiet serenity of its temples created a balance that resonated deeply with me.

Exploring the hidden gems of Kyoto, with its stunning temples, lush gardens, and historic streets, was like stepping back in time to a world where beauty and tranquility converged. Each moment spent wandering through the ancient alleys left me in awe of Japan’s rich cultural heritage.

The vibrant city of Osaka dazzled me with its lively atmosphere and mouthwatering cuisine. From savoring the local delicacies in bustling food markets to experiencing the warm hospitality of the locals, every day brought new adventures and unforgettable moments.

The natural beauty of Hokkaido, with its snow-capped mountains and pristine lakes, offered a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. As I breathed in the crisp mountain air and gazed at the vast expanse of untouched landscapes, I felt a sense of harmony and connection with the natural world.

My journey to Japan was not just about sightseeing and exploration; it was a transformative experience that shaped my perspective on life and introduced me to a culture that valued tradition, kindness, and harmony. As I bid farewell to Japan and the wonderful family that welcomed me with open arms, I carried with me precious memories and a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude.

The lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the moments of pure joy and wonder will forever hold a special place in my heart, reminding me that no matter how far we travel, the connections we make and the experiences we cherish are what truly define the richness of our lives. Japan will always be a chapter in my story, a chapter of growth, resilience, and the enduring power of embracing the unknown with an open heart and a curious spirit.

In the echoes of ancient traditions, I found a sense of peace and harmony that resonated with my soul. The delicate beauty of Japanese tea ceremonies, the graceful movements of traditional dance, and the intricate art of origami opened my eyes to the poetry of everyday life.

Immersing myself in the lively street markets of Nara and the tranquil gardens of Kamakura, I discovered the beauty of simplicity and the profound wisdom that can be found in moments of quiet contemplation. Each encounter with locals, each shared meal, and each laughter-filled conversation became a thread in the tapestry of memories that I wove during my time in Japan.

As the seasons changed and cherry blossoms gave way to fiery autumn leaves, I marveled at the cycle of renewal and transformation that unfolded around me. The vibrant colors of fall painted a picture of impermanence and the fleeting nature of time, urging me to appreciate the present moment and embrace the beauty of change.

Venturing beyond the familiar streets of Tokyo, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth that transcended geographical boundaries. The challenges I faced, the moments of solitude, and the encounters that pushed me out of my comfort zone all became stepping stones in my path towards greater self-awareness and acceptance.

In the quiet moments of reflection, whether gazing at the shimmering waters of Lake Biwa or meditating in a centuries-old temple, I found a sense of clarity and purpose that had eluded me in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Japan, with its blend of ancient wisdom and modern innovation, became a mirror that reflected my own journey of growth and transformation.

Leaving Japan was bittersweet, a mixture of sadness at saying goodbye to newfound friends and gratitude for the experiences that had shaped me in ways I never could have imagined. As I boarded the plane back home, I knew that a piece of Japan would always reside within me, a reminder of the resilience, grace, and beauty that I had encountered in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The memories of my time as an au pair in Japan continue to inspire me to embrace new challenges, seek out opportunities for growth, and approach life with an open heart and a sense of wonder. The lessons learned, the connections forged, and the moments of pure joy and serenity will forever be etched in my heart, a testament to the transformative power of travel, connection, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Best regards,


Afrodita cosmetics

I started using their products since I was 14 years old. In that period of my life I had so much pimples, and I wanted to remove them all. So, I went to beauty salon and they advised me. First, they tested which is my type of skin and then we started a treatment. It was Afrodita cosmetics beauty studio, so they put all their products on my face. Second, all of products are made mostly of chamomile, and dermatologically tested. After treatment, they suggested which are the best products for my skin. My skin is oily, but dehydrated, it’s like that, because, I didn’t take enough care of my skin. However, skin could be dehydrated, if we don’t drink enough water!!! The products they suggested me were:

1)Young & pure tonic (which is for normal and oily skin and deep hydrating)

2)Young & pure moisturizing cream “Make it Beautiful!”

3)Young & pure gel for removing spots “Remove spots”

I use those products 6 years. Csn you imagine? Isn’t it unbelieveable? Of course, it is!! Same quality!! I’m really proud of that Afrodita cosmetics company!! And also really thankful to them and to great girls from their Afrodita beauty studio!!

How I edit my instagram account

First of all, I made my instagram when I was 16 years old. It was 2014. First, I wasn’t impressed with that social media. Two days later, I opened my mobile phone, took some picture and I posted it on instagram. It was so interesting to me to put some hashtags of food, traveling, friends, my birthday, and some other special things to post!


This is actually one of the firsts instagram pictures. Amazing selfie with beautiful elephant, which kissed me all the time!!
I have been in Thailand many, many times, it’s the land of smiles and amazing people! I was 15 years old when I was there for the first time! I have many memories and posts of Thailand. It’s like my second home. I have blogged about Thailand on my wordpress account, so you can check it. I promise you will enjoy it! I writed about BKK, Pattaya, Koh Samui and many amazing another places of that beautiful country. I was in Thailand four times!! It’s like my homeland! Isn’t it amazing when you come to some country and say: “I love these people, amazing beaches, magic cities, unbelieveable museums, parks, parties, tropical food, restaurants, temples, animals?” Of course it is! Did you ever feel excited when you come to a special temple you have never seen before? Or see the most beautiful beach like “Maya Bay” on Phi Phi island where is filmed an famous movie “The beach”!? Or taking some pictures with white tigers in amazing Chiangmai night safari!?

What a glamorous picture! I really love this!I really can’t get enough of these all picture from Thailand! Thailand is a Disneyland for every kind of people!! Chiangmai is popular because of “Tiger kingdom”. It is a special place for tigers, they are not druged, and people there care so much of these tigers. You can choose if you want to play with “baby tigers” which are 3 months old, and very fun, or you can choose the place with “big tigers” which are very cool, but bit dangerous. Actually, I really loved that “Tiger Kingdom”. Next thing, I love in this place are museums. This on picture is “Madame Tussauds museum” in BKK. So cool, so many wax figures of many famous people. I can write hours and hours about it! Really woow!!!

Vientiane Kitchen Restaurant

Vientiane Kitchen Restaurant is ine of the best restaurants in BKK. Restaurant is located in Sukhumvit Road. 

Why I love that restaurant ??

First, food is so special and the most delicious of all restaurants in BKK. There is all thai food. Believe me!  Second, they teach you everything about Thai culture. Thirdly, there is always live music and dancers who dance Thai traditional dance, which is so amazing, special and beautiful. So, everybody can dance and be smile and happy.

My family and I were eating all the time. Can you imagine? Eating Thai food and have fun at the same time. Yeahhhh 😎

It was soooo goood!!!

I really love all stuff in this amazing restaurant. They were entertaining me all the time. Words can’t describe how much that country means to me. They are just real Thai people. They are polite, nice, smile, fun. Just how they say in Thai: “Suay mak mak”. (Suay means beautiful, mak means very much). ♥️

Iva Čolakić 

Lush 😍😎

Lush proizvode koristim jos od srednje škole. Škola koju sam pohađala bila je preko puta Lush dućana.

Zašto volim Lush? Vrlo jednostavno… 

Krenimo od njihovih bombi za kupanje. Savršene suuu… 

Najviše bi me veselilo kada bi došla u Lush i vidjela neke nove kupke. Tako tobra stvarrr…

Obožavam ih… 
Bilo da je Božić, Valentinovo, Uskrs, Halloween… 

Svaki puta bi nešto novo došlo… 

Zar nije predivno kada smo u duhu Božića i darujemo ili dobijemo takav neki poklon?? Meni je to prekrasno. Aaaa. 

A zamislimo tek kada kupku stavimo u kadu… Ohhh. Toliko šarenilo, boje, šljokice, sjaj… 

Doista predivno…

A tek miris ajmeee…

Ne zna se što je bolje. Osjećam se kao malo dijete kada kupim nešto u Lushu! A da ne pričam tek o isprobavanju proizvoda. Mislim da mi je to najveća sreća hahaha. A tko još nije probao Lusheve proizvode za kosu, izbjeljivanje zubi, šminku, dezodoranse i sve ostalo??

Sad je vrijeme da ih probate! Brzo! Njihovo osoblje je jedan od razloga zašto sam “zaljubljena” u Lush! Toliko ljubazni, dobri i srdačni! Sve će vam objasniti!!! Bitno je samo da kažete što trebate!!! 

Put pod noge i idemo u Lush!!!!!

The Grand Palace 

This is the last post about Temples in Bangkok. If you didn’t see other posts, you can see them on my blog 💛💛
The Grand Palace was the first Buddha Temple I have ever seen. Full of gold, shiness, beautiful… 

The palace is one of the most popular tourist attraction in Thailand.

The sculptures are magnificent❕❕ Grand and spectacular 👌

  The Palace includes many buildings, pavilions, halls, gardens and lawns.

The Grand Palace was the residence of Thai King which had authority in 17. century.

The Palace was initially built entirely out of wood. 

Wat Pho 

The last blog I have written was Ayutthaya.

Now, I will say you something about another Buddha Temple in Thailand. 

This is a must see in Bangkok. We took a river boat to get there and we were enjoying the view along the way…

Wat Pho is popular because of Reclaining Buddha. Sooo sooo sooo cool. The statue is so long and so big. 😎😎💜

Peaceful and beautiful ☯☯☯

This is largest and oldest Temple in Bangkok. 

Wat Pho was the first public university in Thailand, specialising in religion, science and literature.

Now, The Wat Pho is known as the birthplace of Thai massage, massage courses are given that are open to anyone.

In a small garden next to the housing of the Reclining Buddha is a Bodhi tree which is a descendant of the Bodhi tree from Bodhgaya in India under which the Buddha reached enlightenment.

I think I definitely falled in love with those temples, statues, garden, and Reclaining Buddha of course haha.

  Those figures and statues are really impressive. Thai architecture is full of richness. So, you all must see Bangkok and these amazing culture.
Warning ⚠

You will need to take off your shoes and wear proper clothes, otherwise you will not be allowed to go inside the Temples.